Tuesday, 29 April 2008

Shanghai Show 2008

First off, I returned with the usual upper respiratory hack/ illness/ cough that accompanies all trips to China.

The show itself was a bit different from Vegas, Eurobike or Taipei in that it was combined with electric bikes and electric motorcycles. Although they were in another hall, it just seemed a bit...odd.

It seemed like attendance was down as was the number of foreign brands represented. This may be a bit deceiving, though. Lacking was the unwashed masses (attendees) who had no interest in bikes but where just there hawking watches or looking for a way to make a quick buck (some of the watch guys still made the trip).

The questions asked by the dealers and consumers who did attend were more knowledgeable and overall were encouraging. Consumers are still having trouble with access to all the brands they see in the magazines or online. There is limited availability, in some areas, and confusion as to the legitimate supply channels. Basically, this is still a market in development.

I was working in the Campagnolo booth. It was interesting to see the contrast between those who were familiar with, or using Campagnolo, and those who had never heard of the company. I also had the obligatory guy (I called him Bora Boy) who came to the booth 5 times a day to look at the Bora wheels and then tell me how much he knew about Campagnolo. The funny thing was, he was wrong just as many times as he was right and wasn't the least bit interested in anything I had to say in response. There's one at every show.

Conversely, I had a great chat with one guy about our favourite riders and style of racing. We liked many of the same riders and events and shared a similar disappointment with Basso. It was a conversation between a Canadian guy, working for a company owned by an American, based in Taiwan, representing and Italian company in China, talking to a Chinese guy working for a Japanese company about Italian, French, American and Belgian riders and a race happening in the US at the time. Some things transcend. Bikes just may be one of them.

It will be very interesting to see how much the market matures between now and the next show. My feeling is that it will be substantial.

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